2025-01-20 05:46:25 +00:00
from fastapi import APIRouter , Depends , HTTPException , Header , Body , status , Request
from sqlalchemy . orm import Session
from fastapi . security import APIKeyHeader
from typing import Union , Optional , List
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from db import models , schemas , crud
import json
import logging
import datetime
from kafka import KafkaProducer
from fastapi . responses import FileResponse , StreamingResponse
import io
import openpyxl
import time
from db . schemas import RawData , RtuGenerator
from db . base import get_db
from db . models import RawDatas , Raw_data_herit
import pandas as pd
from process . logger import logger
from process . certification import cert_process
from process . response import response
from process . survey import manage_survey
KST = datetime . timezone ( datetime . timedelta ( hours = 9 ) )
router = APIRouter (
prefix = " /survey " ,
tags = [ " survey " ] ,
responses = { 404 : { " description " : " Not found " } } ,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async def get_body ( request : Request ) :
return await request . body ( )
# 설문조사 데이터 수집
@router.post ( " /collect " )
async def collect_survey ( request : Request , body : bytes = Depends ( get_body ) , db : Session = Depends ( get_db ) ) :
try :
# 인증서 갱신
auth_token = cert_process . renew_cert ( request = request )
if auth_token [ ' result ' ] == ' OK ' :
auth_token = auth_token [ ' data ' ]
elif auth_token [ ' result ' ] == ' TOKEN_EXPIRED ' :
raise token_expired_return_process ( auth_token [ ' msg ' ] )
else :
2025-01-27 14:39:33 +00:00
# return await response.error_res(auth_token=auth_token, auth_type='NOMAL', msg_title='사용자 인증 에러', msg_content='사용자 인증 정보가 정확하지 않습니다. 관리자에게 문의해주세요.', data={})
return await response . error_res ( auth_token = auth_token , auth_type = ' NOMAL ' , msg_title = ' User Authentication Error ' , msg_content = ' User authentication information is incorrect. Please contact the administrator. ' , data = { } )
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# body에서 ID 추출
try :
body = json . loads ( body )
except json . JSONDecodeError as e :
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# return await response.error_res(auth_token=auth_token, auth_type='NOMAL', msg_title='데이터 에러', msg_content='데이터 처리 장애가 발생했습니다. 요청정보를 정확히 입력했는지 확인해주세요.', data={})
return await response . error_res ( auth_token = auth_token , auth_type = ' NOMAL ' , msg_title = ' Data Error ' , msg_content = ' Data processing error occurred. Please check if the requested information is entered correctly. ' , data = { } )
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user_seq_result = cert_process . get_user_seq_by_token ( token = auth_token [ ' token ' ] )
if user_seq_result [ " result " ] == ' OK ' :
user_seq = user_seq_result [ ' data ' ] [ ' user_seq ' ]
body [ ' user_seq ' ] = user_seq
# 데이터 검증
qna_list = body [ ' QNA ' ]
question_list = [ ]
answer_list = [ ]
for idx , qna in enumerate ( qna_list ) :
if idx % 2 == 0 :
question_list . append ( qna )
else :
answer_list . append ( qna )
body [ ' question_list ' ] = question_list
body [ ' answer_list ' ] = answer_list
# DB 저장
insert_survey_update_survey_yn_result = await manage_survey . insert_survey_update_survey_yn ( survey = body , db = db )
if insert_survey_update_survey_yn_result [ ' result ' ] == ' OK ' :
return await response . ok_res ( auth_token = auth_token , data = { } , db = db )
else :
return await response . error_res ( auth_token = auth_token , auth_type = ' NOMAL ' , msg_title = ' 설문조사 저장 실패 ' , msg_content = ' 설문조사 저장 처리중 에러가 발생했습니다. ' , data = { } )
else :
2025-01-27 14:39:33 +00:00
# return await response.error_res(auth_token=auth_token, auth_type='NOMAL', msg_title='사용자 인증 에러', msg_content='사용자 인증 정보가 정확하지 않습니다. 관리자에게 문의해주세요.', data={})
return await response . error_res ( auth_token = auth_token , auth_type = ' NOMAL ' , msg_title = ' User Authentication Error ' , msg_content = ' User authentication information is incorrect. Please contact the administrator. ' , data = { } )
2025-01-20 05:46:25 +00:00
except Exception as e :
logger . error ( f " request error. URL: /room/score/create/room \n error message: { e } " )
return await response . error_res ( auth_token = auth_token , auth_type = ' NOMAL ' , msg_title = ' 방 생성 에러 ' , msg_content = ' 방 생성 처리중 에러가 발생했습니다. ' , data = { } )
# 필요한 함수
# 401 에러 발생
def token_expired_return_process ( fail_msg ) :
logger . error ( f " request fail: { fail_msg } " )
return HTTPException (
status_code = 401 ,
detail = f " { fail_msg } "